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Showing posts from February, 2019

Awesome Assam

Awesome Assam to Awesome India.. It is the roads and infrastructure that make a country prosperous. It is not that a country has better roads and infrastructure due to development, prosperity. It is the other way round. Way to prosperity goes through the infrastructure development. Whoever may have made this statement, it is apt and precise to explain the way to develop, grow. There are ample examples where a country developed at rapid rate because they emphasized on infrastructural development. The 'New Deal' proposed and implemented by FDR during the Great Depression. The infrastructural development, especially roads during that period laid the foundations of rapid growth and way to becoming Super Power for USA. Another, bit unusual example could be Germany under Hitler's rule. He emphasized the infrastructural development. Though his intentions and motives were strategic and tactical but the fact remains that it not just helped Nazi Germany to grow faster, mo...

Pulwama: A Different Take

CRPF Attack: A different take   J a nuary 1971. Tensions between India and erstwhile Pakistan (including east Pakistan) were rising. oppression of people living in East Pakistan was rising to go on its peak. West Pakistani in general and Punjabi in particular did not want to be ruled by Bangla speaking person who got elected with thumping majority in National elections. India from day one was supporting Bangla speaking people's call for the separate nation. intelligence inputs were confirming that Pakistan is preparing for war. It offered momentum for India to build her case. The Ganga hijack case offered the opportunity. Ganga. an Indian Airlines aircraft, flown to Jammu from Srinagar hijacked by two terrorists of National Liberation Front (Which eventually transformed into Jammu & Kashmir liberation liberation front). plane landed in Lahore. demanding release of 36 NLF terrorists. The drama ended up in blowing up the plane after releasing the hostages. India retalia...