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Showing posts from September, 2021

Democracy At Work part 2

  Awake, Organize and use all the tools of constitutional democracy for the betterment of society. This is the core ideology to make Democracy Work in remote villages of Jawhar-Mokhada under the Vayam movement. In part 1 ( we discussed the core ideas and ideals behind the Vayam movement. Went through some of the initiatives of the movement.  At the Abhyas Varga, the Vayam movement felicitated the representatives of the village 'Devicha Pada' for carrying out a task by applying all the democratic tools for the betterment of the village. I think this anecdote would be enough to explain, elaborate what Vayam is working for and how Democracy can work.  The Gram Sabha meetings of Devicha Pada village used to be conducted at the 'Paar' (An open place under a huge tree, with temporary platforms.) It was difficult to conduct meetings during monsoon months due to heavy rains, and in summer due to heat. T...

मराठवाडा मुक्ती संग्राम

"हा लढा बलिदान करू इच्छिणाऱ्या श्रद्धावान अहिंसकांनी आपल्या बलिदानाने रंगवला असता तर मला आवडले असते! पण अशा बलिदानाची तयारी नसणाऱ्या मंडळींनी भेकडपणे पळून जाणे अगर लाचारी पत्करणे यापेक्षा मी प्रतिकार करणारे लोक श्रेष्ठतर मानतो."  स्वातंत्र्यलढ्यासाठी अहिंसेच्या तत्वावर आधारित सत्याग्रहाचा पुरस्कार करणाऱ्या महात्मा गांधीजींनी, धार्मिक कट्टरतेच्या आधारावर बहुसंख्य हिंदूंवर अत्याचार करणाऱ्या एका संस्थानात, बहुसंख्य हिंदूंनी त्यांच्या न्याय्य हक्कांसाठी हिंसक मार्गाचाही अवलंब केला तर त्यात काही चूक नाही, हे मान्य केले होते.  भारताच्या दक्षिण-मध्य भागात, तत्कालीन भारतातील सर्वात मोठे होते हैदराबादचे निजाम संस्थान. त्या संस्थानची लोकसंख्या १.६ कोटी होती. एकूण लोकसंख्येपैकी ८६ टक्के लोक हिंदू असणारे ते एक 'मुस्लिम संस्थान' होते. हैदराबादच्या मुस्लिम संस्थानिकाने धार्मिक आधारावर सर्व रचना केली होती. या रचनेखाली बहुसंख्य असणारी हिंदू किंवा संस्थानच्या अधिकृत नोंदींप्रमाणे गैरमुस्लिम जनता पिचली जात होती. आर्य समाजाच्या कार्यामुळे प्रामुख्याने सामान्य हिंदू जनतेत जागृती होत गेली...

Democracy At Work part 1

  India i.e. Bharat is a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic. India has been a miracle for the World. The world, especially the western world was convinced that democracy shall never take its roots in India. According to them the prerequisites for liberal democracy, literacy, meritocracy, a strong foundation of Nation-State are absent. But the fact remains despite having lived under kingdoms for years India and Indian people did possess the most basic factor to make democracy work i.e. an ability to accept the possibility of other views. The Indian ethos believes in "एकम् सत विप्रा: बहुधा वदन्ति." The traces of republics can be traced to the very origin in Vedas. A great historian and writer K. P. Jaiswal has elaborated the forms of ancient Indian republics in his scholarly work 'Hindu Polity.' The modern Constitution of India and laws framed according to it are mere sophisticated forms to make democracy work according to modern needs.  Intending to dec...