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Democracy At Work part 2


Awake, Organize and use all the tools of constitutional democracy for the betterment of society. This is the core ideology to make Democracy Work in remote villages of Jawhar-Mokhada under the Vayam movement. In part 1 ( we discussed the core ideas and ideals behind the Vayam movement. Went through some of the initiatives of the movement. 

At the Abhyas Varga, the Vayam movement felicitated the representatives of the village 'Devicha Pada' for carrying out a task by applying all the democratic tools for the betterment of the village. I think this anecdote would be enough to explain, elaborate what Vayam is working for and how Democracy can work. 

The Gram Sabha meetings of Devicha Pada village used to be conducted at the 'Paar' (An open place under a huge tree, with temporary platforms.) It was difficult to conduct meetings during monsoon months due to heavy rains, and in summer due to heat. The Gram Sabha decided to build a shade in the main circle of the village. 

A permanent place for the Gram Sabha as well as can be used for other public gatherings. The notice for the meeting was duly issued. The meeting was conducted. The plans were carried out according to the need. The village decided to build it by making maximum use of available resources and funds. The village came together, contributed through 'Shrama Daan' and built the shade. 

One thing needs to be noted here, as I felt it amazing, that while receiving the felicitation the representatives of Devicha Pada village were a little timid. The representative who was asked to say a few words on behalf of the village was quite hesitant at the beginning. 

He spoke for a few minutes after insisting, I must say it was an absolute best example of sharp, crisp articulation. He explained how they conducted the meeting, placed resolution before Sabha to get through, how all the villagers contributed, and thanking Vayam for the guidance. 

I spent a good time discussing issues in the area and Vayam came up with innovative ideas to mitigate those issues with Milind Thatte ji. I had noted down few issues after a little research. 

One of the important issues among them is of malnutrition among children and subsequent health-related issues due to it. According to Milind ji, one of the major reasons behind malnutrition is early marriage and early pregnancies. Of course, the less availability of nutritious food is there. But such lack of nutritious food, early marriages and pregnancies exacerbate the issues. 

There are multiple programs run by the State and Union govt to mitigate the issue. But Milind ji stresses more on consuming the local food, vegetables found naturally in jungles, known as Ran Bhaji (Jungle vegetables). He also states on need for consumption of such vegetables for at least 8-9 months in a year. 

Local people cultivate vegetables in their courtyards for consumption. This cultivation is mainly carried out during the monsoon period and a brief period after the monsoon. when the water availability reduces they move to the staple food of simple Daal-Rice. Buying vegetables from the market at Jawhar and Mokhada is a costly and time-consuming affair. 

To mitigate this issue the 'Vayam' came up with an innovative solution of small farm ponds of size 2.5*2.5*1 meter. The topography of the region does not allow large farm ponds of regular size. Vayam shall provide the plastic film for the pond initially. 

A small pond of such size can be dug by an individual. The concept is run on a pilot basis in some selected areas. These small ponds can be covered with plastic, and other materials easily available at home to reduce evaporation loss. These small ponds either filled with rainwater or recharged with groundwater can provide water for at least the cultivation of vegetables in courtyards, small portions of farmlands. 

The Small Farm Ponds

The locals have the best knowledge of their jungles, forest products. They know Ran Bhajis.

To propagate, make the locals more aware of their source of nutrition the Vayam movement came with the idea of 'Ran Bhaji Mahotsav' where villagers bring various Ran Bhajis. They explain the importance, nutrition value to villagers, visitors from other places, mainly from urban areas. 

I could not attend one of those due to COVID and monsoon rains the Ran Bhaji Mahotsavs are conducted with very limited presence. 

The Vayam movement has taken the next step to preserve, protect and expand the scope of forest resources.

As a pilot project in that direction, Vayam asked 10 villages to send 1 representative to be trained and employed to conduct surveys of jungles, rivers, and other water beds to document forest products. the document can be termed as an informal gazette of forest produce available in the region. 

According to the idea, the Gram Sabhas of 10 villages conducted meetings to decide whom to be sent for the project. The representatives were selected and sent for the project and Gram Sabha decided to keep an eye on their activities regularly. The representatives are paid with a stipend to carry out the task. 

Under this documentation project, the type of forest produce, the time frame of availability, whether they are sold in markets or they are just consumed, the scale of availability is recorded. 

While going through the document under preparation, I discussed the whole idea with a representative. He elaborated the whole process. His one sentence struck me on the background of the schemes initiated by the Union govt under Tribal Affairs Ministry such as the TRIFED, Van Dhan Vikas Karyakram, and the MSP for the Minor Forest Produce. 

He said, with this kind of document we know the costs incurred to gather these forest products, the scale of possible supplies, so we will be able to decide, or at least we will be in a position to negotiate the price with traders, buyers with an upper hand. 

These fascinating conversations placed a great learning experience for me. Every innovative idea, people's participation, and enthusiasm ensured that the Democracy will continue to be at work.. 


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