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Swayampurna Goa

 "Goa means nature & tourism, but today it also means a new model of development and a reflection of collective efforts. Goa means solidarity for development from Panchayat to Administration." 

Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi praised the state of Goa with these words while interacting with the changemakers in the state under a unique initiative of the state government. The new, innovative initiative of the Govt of Goa is in line with the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan by Prime Minister Modi. The Govt believes that the State Govt's initiative is its contribution to the grand Abhiyan of Atmanirbhar Bharat aimed at building New India. The unique and innovative initiative is Swayampurna Goa. 

The Swayampurna Goa initiative was launched on 1st October 2020 by Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant. At the launch of the initiative Chief Minister stated, "Every village Panchayat needs to adopt various sustainable measures to gain economic empowerment. The initiative is the endeavor of Govt. of Goa to transform Goa into an ideal State, and the Govt. has embarked upon the theme 'Vision 2020-2025 to initiate efforts to revamp state administration & make it deliver better and transparent government to people.' 

The Program includes the 10 Point program to ensure 

1: Tap Water for All

2: Electricity for All

3:Shelter (Home) for all

4: Sanitation for All

5: Krishi Card, PM Kisan, Kisan Credit Card, Health Card for All, 

6: Eligible Aid for Divyangas

7: Health Security for All

8: Social Security for All - Deen Dayal Samajik Surakhsa Yojana

9: Financial Security for All - Bank A/C, PM Jeevan Jyoti Bima, PM Suraksha Bima Yojana

10: Senior Citizen Card

Skill mapping of population, Resource identification of villages to ensure that every village becomes self-sustainable. Focus on eradication of poverty with the participation of locals. The study for Economic Revival of for village panchayat was undertaken by the Directorate of Higher Education and Goa Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development. Individual report of 191 Village panchayats were prepared and released by Chief Minister. 

To implement the program the Govt. of Goa came up with another unique approach of governance with the concept of 'Swayampurna Mitra' to be appointed at village and municipality level. Accordingly, Swayampurna Mitras for 191 Gram Panchayats and 14 Municipalities in the state were appointed. The Swayampurna Mitras are the State Govt. employees. They have not been offered any special concessions, special allowances for the program. Nodal officers were appointed at Taluka level, i.e. 12 nodal officers. 

The Swayampurna Mitras were tasked to coordinate with Sarpanch, Municipal Chairman, Panchayat  Members, Councilors, Panchayat Secretaries. They were asked to visit their respective village, Municipality on holidays. So that benefits of welfare schemes implemented by the State, and Centrally Sponsored schemes reach the needy, and deserving people. Ensuring the effective implementation of the schemes. 

The Swayampurna Mitras were also tasked to identify the need and requirements of village-specific initiatives, projects for the betterment of the village, employment generation, entrepreneurship development, etc. Grant of Rs.50 Lakhs to be given for innovative projects under Swayampurna Goa. Projects such as Panchayat Ghar, Community hall, Crematorium, and other initiatives certified by the Swayampurna Mitras. 

The Swayampurna Mitras did visit their respective villages o holidays. Took notes on issues of the villagers. Worked to resolve the issues under the 10 point program rapidly. The 10 point program implementation turned out to be a program of taking the government to the doorstep of the people. However, the really challenging and innovative task were to identify and implement unique projects for self-reliant villages, municipalities. Following are the select success stories of unique, innovative projects implemented under Swayampurna Goa. 

Assonora village in Bardez taluka in North Goa district. The village panchayat, Swayampurna Mitra, Under Women Development Program of the Govt., coordinated with the Rotary Club of Mapusa. The Rotary Club donated 21 sewing machines to the women for self-sustenance, entrepreneurship development at the village level. The state faced the wrath of Tauktae Cyclone and unprecedented floods. To diversify and make the disaster management system more inclusive, 38 women were trained as 'Apada Nari' with the basics of disaster relief, First Aid, etc. 

The region is the beneficiary of the Tilari canal for water supply for irrigation, drinking water. However, the canal project has caused flooding in the fields of many farmers. The farmers came together, identified an alternative farmland, with the help of Swayampurna Mitra started farming on the said land. They took harvest of Tomatoes, Chillies, Cucumbers, and Brinjals. On one hand, the villagers came together for alternative source of livelihood, while on the other hand, the Swayampurna Mitra took the issue of flooding of fields to the State Water Resources Department.  

Kirlapal Dabhal in Dharbandora taluka,North Goa. The region has a substantial tribal population. The Swayampurna Mitra took initiative under the 'Adivasi Vikas Yojana' of the Goa Tribal Welfare Department and build a community hall for the village. The Mitra coordinated a meeting between the villagers of Karmane affected by irregular water release in the canal and the Water Resource Department and resolved the issue with chalking down the specific pattern for the water release and sharing pattern. 

4 youth from Rumbrem and Bandoli villages took up a property to develop Eco-Tourism project. The Swayampurna Mitra supported and encouraged the venture with clearances and other procedures. The project is based on the 'Tribal Village Life' concept. A local Self Help Group prepares and provides food for the tourists. The project undertakes organic farming and sell those products at the site. This project has helped 15 families go Swayampurna. 

Morpirla Village, Qupem, South Goa District. 72 students from the Tribal community took Computer training under the 'Short Term Professional Training Scheme' for tribal youth of the State Tribal Welfare Department. It has helped them to seek jobs, start their business venture to become Swayampurna.

Surla, Bicholim, North Goa. The villagers with the support of Swayampurna Mitras identified a barren land of 50,000 sq.m. not cultivated for more than 12 years. 40 farmers took initiative and collectively brought it under cultivation under community farming. The project was implemented with the support of the 'Atal Gram Development Agency'  

These are a few of the many unique and innovative projects taken under the Swayampurna Goa scheme with coordination of Swayampurna Mitras, Villagers, Sarpanch, Panchayat members, Municipality chairman, councilors, etc. A system of 'Swayampurna Parikshak' was set for the monitoring and coordination of Swayampurna Mitras. Moreover, to review the projects, initiatives, works of Swayampurna Mitra, Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant came up with another innovative program to take the Govt. to the Doorstep of the people i.e. 'Sarkar Tumchya Dari' (literally meaning Govt. at Your Doorstep) 

The Sarkar Tumchya Dari program was a unique program where on a given day, all the Govt. machinery from District Collector to various department heads, went to the village for a day. Where CM interacted with the Swayampurna Mitras, Sarpanches, Panchayat Members, etc. took a review of the projects undergoing, listened to the issues raised, and directed the authorities to resolve those. The Sarkar Tumchya Dari served multiple purposes. The common people got the knowledge of the available schemes for their benefit. They got to know whom to be approached for what sort of work to be done. And most importantly, it assured the people that this is the Govt. that works, reach to the last mile. 

The Prime Minister took note of the unique and innovative approach of governance. On 23rd October 2021 PM virtually interacted with the Swayampurna Mitra, Sarpanch, Beneficiaries of the Swayampurna Goa program. Prime Minister praised the program saying, "State means a new model of development and a reflection of collective efforts. when people get the support of the Govt. and hard work of the people, how change comes, self-confidence comes, we all experienced during our discussion with beneficiaries." 

Prime Minister Interacted with Swayampurna Mitras, Sarpanchas

The Swayampurna Goa is not just limited to the 10 Point program, innovative projects for the development and making villages Swayampurna. The State Govt. has been working towards formulating policies towards making the state Swayampurna in true sense. The best tourist destination in India is dependent upon neighboring states for meat, milk, food grains, many other things. The Govt. has formulated the Start-Up policy that creates a robust environment for Start-Ups aimed at Swayampurna Goa. 

The Govt. has taken up a project to build dairy clusters and dairy estates. It is encouraging youth for dairy farming. Farmers are being supported for the enhancement of average milk production. Many villages have taken up projects for dairy farming and distribution with the support of Swayampurna Mitras. Govt. has formulated the 'Goa Marine Culture Policy 2020' for the development of the Fisheries sector. Notification of minimum legal size, conservation of fishing resources, leasing of platform for drying of fish has been done. The Fisheries department conducted more than 110 programs with 3948 participants. With the aim of Swayampurna Goa. 

Earlier there were very limited facilities of Multi-Specialty Hospitals. The patients had to be shifted to Bangalore or Mumbai for treatments of critical ailments. The Govt of Goa supported, encouraged private hospitals to enhance their capacity and robustness. The State Govt. enhanced the capacities, established specialty facilities at the District Hospitals, Health centers in Goa. The COVID-19 pandemic turned out to be a tough test. But the Govt. turned the crisis into an opportunity to enhance the resources and capacities. Established the Oxygen generation plants under the PM-CARES. With all the efforts, the state on the path of Swayampurna Goa. 

Goa is gearing up with the implementation of a New Education Policy, with Coding and Robotics Education in Schools scheme, institutions like National Forensic Science University are in Goa. The Introduction of new, entrepreneurship development-oriented courses aimed the goal of Swayampurna Goa. The Govt. is committed to the Swayampurna Goa in every sector. Its aim is not limited to just self-reliance but also contributing to the nationwide ambitious program of Atmanirbhar Bharat. 

The last 10 years were of development of the state, The next 5 years are committed to the prosperity of the state by the Bharatiya Janata Party. With rapid infrastructure development, future oriented policies, adoption of digital governance, unique initiatives the state of Goa shall achieve the goad of Swayampurna Goa. 

Published: Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha Magazine February Edition. 


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