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Shivraj Ashtak: Digpal Lanjekar

A Perfect Blend of  Adhering to Historical Facts and Creative Liberty 

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is a scared, revered figure for the Maharashtrians, Indians. He is not any other king who found his kingdom by defecting a weak existing king. He is revered because his ideals, his actions, his vision changed the course of history. India, especially Hindus in India owe their existence today to Shivaji Maharaj. Maharaj always iterated that establishment of Hindavi Swarajya is will of Shri (Ishwar), I am the marshal of that will. Many historians have written biographies, historical accounts on Maharaj. Some of the most authentic historians are Gajanan Bhaskar Mehendale, Va. Si. Bendre, Jadunath Sarkar, Vi. Ka. Rajwade, T. S. Shejwalkar and many more. There are great scholars like Narhar Kurundkar who have put brilliant analysis on life and times of Shivaji Maharaj at various platforms. I would like to quote what Narhar Kurundkar has stated about Maharaj, and will go to the topic, 

"Shivaji Maharaj changed the course of history. There were Hindu kings in medieval period India. Their kingdoms maintained status quo in victories and faced complete destruction in loss in battle. They used to face destruction due to an invasion (Islamic Invasions in fact). Invaders used to march in their territory easily. One invasion could destroy their prosperous kingdoms. Shivaji Maharaj overthrown this legacy. He chose his own battlegrounds. He kept close watch on enemies. His kingdom expanded in victories, he managed to keep the core kingdom intact in backlashes. He looked after his subjects like children, his ideas, vision inspired common people. Common people believed its their Swarajya too. That vision gave common people the inspiration to fight Mogul forces of Aurangzeb for 27 years, defeating the greta Mogul." 

The great personality has been inspiring and will continue to inspire authors, filmmakers, playwrights, painters, sculptors. There is a great legacy of novels of based on life and times of Maharaj. There is a great legacy of playwrights. And the unforgettable legacy of Bhalji Pendharkar and his movies based on Shivaji Maharaj. In modern period Shivaji Maharaj came back to the screen with great production value, historical accuracy, with the TV serial, Raja Shivchhatrapati. Starring Amol Kolhe, Mrunal Kulkarni and many others. Director Digpal Lanjekar has brought Shivaji Maharaj to the big screen with his Shivraj Ashtak (8 Movies based on life and times of Shivaji Maharaj). Can be termed as Shivaji Maharaj universe, quoting the Marvel Movie Universe term. 

The saga started with the film 'Farzand' based on the valor of Kondaji Farzand and Annaji Datto who captured the Panhala fort with only 60 troops. The second one was 'Fatteshikast' rightly termed as India's first Surgical Strike. A daring attack led by Shivaji Maharaj himself, on Shahista Khan at Pune's Lal Mahal. Third is 'Pawankhind' the glorious saga of valor, sacrifice of Baji Prabhu Deshpande and Bandal Sena at the Pawankhind. And latest is 'Sher Shivraj-Swari Afjalkhan' a mind game of diplomacy and greatest strategic war planning. Next in line is the stunning, impressive act of escape from Agra. These movies have come and are coming in the right times. 

The cinema, storytelling, technologies have changed. One can use VFX and other technics to give a visual treat to audience. When the technology blends with entirely Indian stories, stories of valor, stories of Indic values, it profoundly puts forward the Indic perspective before the audience. Be it the magnum opus Bahubali or the Shivraj Ashtak. Though Bahubali was entirely a fiction, offering great visuals of Indic values, glory of Indian kingdoms, Shivraj Ashtak is based on a life of great man. There is little scope for liberty, especially in the current times when sensitivity is at its peak. Some or the other community gets hurt. But Digpal Lanjekar is class apart. 

Digpal Lanjekar has tremendous hold over historical facts. He has studied the primary sources of history. He has hold ancient texts. He has hold over folk tales. He has the great ability to build a perfect screenplay based on undisputed historical facts, folk tales, legends and creative liberty to make the art more attractive. For example, the first film Farzand. Where primary sources, writings of historians present only fact that 60 troops climbed the mountain, fought and captured the fort. To make this one liner into a feture length film, creative liberty was mandatory. So folk tales, stories of espionage, gathering troops, stories of families of generals, soldiers come in. But the fact remains, no one can question the writer-director Digpal over this liberty. 

Take the example of Fatteshikast and Sher Shivraj. A daring act like attack on Lal Mahal, a masterpiece of strategic planning like Afjalkhan Swari or should be termed as battle of Pratapgad to take it to broader level, were impossible without intel gathering. History mentions few names of spies in Shivaji Maharaja's armies. The head of intel department of Shivaji Maharaj, known as the eyes of Maharaj, Bahirji Naik's name is only mentioned in some sources. It actually is the great success of the intel force. So writer-director took creative liberty, creating characters who helped Bahirji Naik in intel gathering. When the creative liberty adds on the craft it takes the movie to a great levels. Lanjakar has got the knack. 

Finally the most important thing in the Shivraj Ashtak universe, is the unapologetic portrayal of Hindu symbols. There is an unnecessary, uncalled race to prove Shivaji Maharaj being a secular (in modern terms. The Hindu bashing type of secularism). Digpal Lanjekar portrays the Temples, Shivaji Maharaj performing daily offerings, Maharaja's court having big Bhavani Murti at the back walls, Big Hanuman Statue at the place where they practice warfare, References to Ayurveda, its use in strategic warfare, References to ancient texts like 'Agnipurana' for ancient weaponry, brilliant dream scenes depicting Bhavani herself blessing Shivaji Maharaj. This makes Writer-Director Digpal Lanjekar class apart. 

All the four movies have received critical acclaim as well as are box office hits/blockbusters. Honesty towards the topic, adhering to the history, taking creative liberty to enhance the visual experience is accepted by the audience. Digpal Lanjekar has proved it. The Marathi cinema industry has been recharged with the universe. It is equally necessary to take the saga of Shivaji Maharaj at pan India level with this kind of honesty and integrity. Let's hope for the best in future. 
Published: Swarajya Mag


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