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Gentlemen Spymaster

Gentlemen Spymaster
Rameshwar Nath Kao
- Nitin Gokhale

              They operate in disguise. Their successes do not award them special recognition. Their successes do not find a word in newspapers-media but their failures do. Most of the times their success stories find front page reporting in enemy countries. They are eyes and ears for the security of the country. Yes, they are the spies, operatives in intelligence agencies.

India does have her own external intelligence agency. It has been operating worldwide for the security, stability and protecting national interests of India. 

Indian administrative and security set up has legacy of colonial rule. The steel frame that British set up still continues with little modifications. Armed forces take pride in quoting their regimental establishment in British times. 

Indian Police that later on tuned into Indian Police Service has its roots in British establishments so does the intelligence apparatus. Intelligence Bureau and CID were established by the British to fulfill their interests. 

India took over the power and establishments and gave it a national character. There have been very few establishments which have been set up post independence. Whatever may be the reasons behind establishment of such organisations they have been instrumental in security of India. 

One of such organisations is Research and Analysis Wing i.e. R&AW or popularly known as RAW. 

Many institutions have been established but R&AW was very fortunate to have right men at right time to establish and lead the organisation for a long time. Rameshwar Nath Kao was such right man at right place at right time. 

Officers groomed under him during initial years of R&AW proudly introduce themselves as 'Kaoboys.' Story of India's finest Spymaster needed to be told, to inspire the Nation. This magnificent biographical book R. N. Kao Gentlemen Spymaster by Nitin Gokhale does the work. 

 The story starts with Ramji Kao's childhood. His ancestors were migrated to Allahabad in 19th century in search of employment. 

They belong to Kashmiri Pandit community and always emphasized on education. Ramji's father was selected as Deputy Collector in British province of United Provinces. 

His father died early but then his uncle and mother raised him. 

The author of this book very well elaborates with ample quotes of Ramji himself about his childhood. How he was very chubby kid during his teens but then on Ramji completed his education from reputed universities. 

He participated in various student activities during college days. After completing his education he appeared for the Civil Service Exam of Royal Public Service Commission. Secured good score and was selected for Indian Police (No Indian Police Service) in 1939. 

The book has original scanned copy of his appointment to Indian Police issued from White Hall, London. 

There is One interesting incident about how Indian cadets, probationers were under surveillance during training. 

Ramji kao was commissioned into Police force of United Provinces but he served for 7 years there and he was picked up for the Intelligence Bureau in 1947. 

Thereon he went on to carry out number of operations, carried out significant responsibilities such as in charge of security of the Prime Minister. 

He had a long and illustrious years in IB. Where the longest serving and extremely efficient Director of IB Bhola Nath Mullick picked him up for various tasks, operations right from the investigations of Kashmir Princess to sending Kao for training and establishing external intelligence agency of Ghana. 

The illustrious chapter on investigations of 'Kashmir Princess' needs to be read carefully. One can get valuable insights as to how one has to be composed, calm, alert while carrying out operations at the same time making personal rapport with eminent personalities. 

The debacle of 1962 war, lack of enough external intelligence apparatus and information of events that led to 1965 war and certain other things highlighted the necessity of separate external intelligence agency. 

Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, her Principal Secretary P. N. Haksar entrusted Kao to establish the new external intelligence agency. 

Kao immediately took this new task and started building the R&AW. As the book mentions Kao had an extraordinary ability to pick right man for the right job. 

He used to work tirelessly. His list of Foreign stations of R&AW after assessment of the World order is fascinating. One has to read it and find Interesting things hide 'Between the Lines' of it. 

Within three years of establishment R&AW gave its first decisive, landmark result in the form of 1971 war of liberation. One must read all things carefully to have that sense of fascination but I must quote one incident here. 

The war of 1971 started on 3rd of December due to preemptive bombings on Western front Air Bases of Indian Air Force by Pakistan Air Force. Those bombings failed but it gave trigger to Indian forces to initiate its actions. 

Those bombings failed because R&AW operatives in Pakistan army had pin point information including the date of such air attacks. 

There was a kind of misunderstanding that could have caused havoc in Indian Air Force. But Once again timely coordination mind blowing leadership at political, intelligence, forces level led India to her finest hour. 

Another such incident and success story is the merger of Sikkim. A very well planned and executed operation. 

Where exemplary leadership of Kao and operational creativity of Sankaran Nair was instrumental in merger of Sikkim in Union of India. 

There are many such success stories of R&AW during the tenure and after R. N. Kao's retirement. 

After official retirement from the service Kao went on to serve as adviser to 3 Prime Ministers of India. He had a long and prosperous life. He died of old age in 2002. 

The book has elaborate account on various operations carried out by Kao and R&AW. But one always feel that there has to be more in this. There are many things that should have been told. 

May be that's because R. N. Kao himself had directed that certain files are to be opened after 25 years of my death. That goes to 2025. Till then we have to wait and author has stated that this book may get updated once those files are opened for public. 

To gather information about R. N. Kao and operations carried out by him, what he might have thought was a very difficult task. Because R. N. Kao was extremely professional but a very private person. 

Story of the Gentlemen Spymaster has come out now. It is a must read book to have various inside accounts of that era which shaped India's future. Professional who was not loyal to anyone but to his 'subordinates', Spy who had access to various great personalities across the world he was the GENTLEMEN SPYMASTER.


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