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V. P. Menon: The Unsung Architect of Modern India

The turbulent years of 1947-48. Modern Indian State was born at the cost of partition. Partition that caused mass displacement of millions of people. Partition that caused genocides, mass rapes. 

Modern Indian State was born as a result of the long freedom struggle where number of freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the sake of independence of the nation. On one hand there was freedom struggle all over the country while on the other other hand there was British Indian government. 

We sing the ballads of freedom movement quite often and quite right so but, there was a man inside the government machinery who was monitoring the changing political dynamics from close quarters. He was instrumental in bringing mammoth like changes in not just political discourse but the trajectory of the freedom struggle also. 

With initial plans for an independent India in tatters, a desperate viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, turned to his senior most Indian civil servant V. P. Menon. Giving him a single night to devise an independence. Menon met his stringent deadline, presenting the Menon plan, which would play midwife to India's birth as a free nation. 

As Secretary of the States department, he dealt with 565 odd princely states spread across the country to integrate them into the union of India. These included Junagadh, Hyderabad and Kashmir. We always read about his contribution as right hand man of Sardar Patel instrumental in integration of Princely states into the union of India.  

What and how was his journey to the position of senior most Indian civil servant who served as Reforms Commissioner to last three viceroys of India- Linlithgow, Wavell and Mountbatton. As the Constitutional Adviser to Viceroy Lord Mountbatton and then the Secretary of States Department? Here, the biography authored by Narayani Basu, V. P. Menon: The Unsung Architect of Modern India deals with it. 

The book is divided in five parts dealing with various stages of his life. 

First part deals with his family background, his childhood as a naughty yet brilliant child, who burnt down his school in anger because of a failure. 

He left home, arrived at the gold mines of Kolar. Working there as an ordinary digger to quickly upgrading to the position of supervisor. 

His restless days in Bombay (Now Mumbai) as a street seller to going to New Delhi on a recommendation for the post of stenographer. His arrival at Delhi and then Simla in Government's political department, reforms branch changed his life forever. Starting his career as a stenographer on temporary basis he got permanent as Clark. 

He was destined to meet his destiny in reforms branch. Where he was instrumental in drafting the initial drafts of Montagu- Chelmsford reforms that introduced the system of dyarchy in provinces. 

There were multiple opinions about whether to accept these reforms or not? Gandhiji rejected but Balwantrao Tilak (Lokmanya Tilak) accepted it under the term 'Pratiyogi Sahkarita'. This is one side but what was going on in Viceregal department regarding the Rowlatt act, Jalianwala Bagh etc needs to be read in the book. 

There were various movements under freedom struggle but, the British government was preparing for the Simon Commission that led to the Round table conferences. 

Here comes an interesting chapter or incident. The Indian delegation including leaders of various folds and important princes. Jinnah was in the delegation. Jinnah, not yet staunch supporter of Islamic cause and advocate of Two Nation Theory made friends with Menon. Jinnah and Menon took rides to Egypt pyramids, had meals in restaurants in Cairo. This was 1930 and decade later Jinnah was altogether different man. Menon describes his state of mind, analysing the change that political dynamics brought to Jinnah. 

Menon described his first contact with the bunch of princes at the the Round Table Conference. What he saw there, what he experienced there indeed helped him while dealing with them during the massive exercise of instrument of accession and integration. 

The idea of federation of British Indian provinces and princely states was first mooted in round table conference and Menon describes in his interviews, interactions with his erstwhile boss Harry Hodson. His vision regarding the possibility of federation reflects there. All this led to the 'Magna Charta' of the Modern Indian democratic journey, as described by the Britishers, the Government of India Act, 1935 came in.

The Government of India Act of 1935 changed the whole discourse of freedom struggle as well as the establishment of British Indian Government. The act introduced the election to the provincial assembly and formation of responsible government with clear list of subjects demarcated between the Governor and the responsible government. Menon was instrumental in drafting of the act. 

He had sensed the possible outcomes. Because in the beginning princes supported in favor of federation under the act but the moment they realized Congress will be the popular force that will rule under the democratic system they back off. 

Nevertheless the elections took place in 1937 and Congress emerged as the popular party with clear majority in 8 out of 11 British Indian provinces. Muslim League was never close to forming government in any Muslim majority provinces also. 

Here, the author gives a very fascinating incident that describes how the leaders of freedom struggle were astute politicians. Neharu knew whoever leads the Congress as President during the election years will be tall leader when the independence will be around the corner. 

Sardar Patel was mass leader with tight grip hold over the party organisation. The party organisation had given support to Patel for President's post. But Neharu garnered Gandhiji's support for his second term. There at the word of Gandhiji, Patel agreed to the compromise that Neharu would be the face of elections, and the party organisation shall work under Patel. Looks similar with some current incidences, isn't it? 

Another global phenomena was around the corner to change the destiny of Indian subcontinent. The world war. Viceroy Linlithgow declared without any consultation with elected government that British India is also at war. 

Menon recalled what was happening in the viceregal premises. It has to be read in the book for the fascinating details. The elected Congress governments tendered their resignations. Menon states it as blunder committed by the Congress. 

Here again, in a short note below, the author described how astute politician Sardar was. Sardar asked the elected provincial governments not just to resign from the government but also to ask the governor to dissolve the assembly also. So that no other government can be formed by any other coalition.

1940 to 1948. These were the most important and turbulent years that changed the history of India. 

Jinnah emerged as leader of Muslim league that claimed to be only voice of Muslims. In Lahore session of League, Jinnah raised the first official call for Pakistan. Meanwhile the August offer came in. 

Global situations changed. That led to the Cripps' mission. Menon has described various interesting facts about Sir Stafford Cripps who aspired to be future Prime Minister of United Kingdom. He was very quick and smart to handle the press. What happened with Cripps mission is different matter but the insider accounts of Menon are indeed interesting to read. 

There comes another plan for the independence or should we say dominion status with the federation was drafted by Menon in 1941. Menon describes Lord Wavell did not even look at the plan but when Mountbatten came to India, he brought the Menon plan with some modifications as his own plan. 

There are few places in the book where author has described the attitude of British government towards Indian civil servants. British government was reluctant to give Menon his rightful post as Reforms Commissioner. But in the end he went on to serve as Reforms Commissioner to last three viceroys of British India. 

During that period everyone including Jinnah considered the call for Pakistan as a ploy to get more and more during negotiating the transfer of power. But Rajaji (C. Rajgopalachari) presented a plan with clear demarcations as to what could go to Pakistan. Menon described that the plan worsened the situation. It gave strong card to Jinnah and he became adamant with demand for Pakistan. 

Wavell plan came in the Simla conference, tireless negotiations went on to nowhere. Same with the Cabinet Mission plan. The insider accounts on Cabinet mission are indeed very interesting to read. 

Then comes the last viceroy who as Menon describes was in a hurry to leave India as soon as possible. 

Menon had convinced him regarding many issues that could cause a civil war and bloodshed in India. When the issue of princely states came in, it was Mountbatton who gave Menon, now as Secretary of States department, less than 3 months to draft an instrument of accession and making princes to sign the instrument. 

The Author has dedicated an entire chapter on Sardar Patel. Describing his personality as astute politician, brilliant taskmaster and firm decision maker with pragmatic vision. 

His efforts with Menon played the immense role in integrating India into the Union of India. The fascinating accounts of handling with various princes is a must read. 

Maharaja of Jodhpur, princely states in eastern part and Chattishgadh, small principalities that were called as Taluks were tough to handle. But the toughest job was to deal with Junagadh, Hyderabad and Kashmir. What happened during the integration of these states has been dealt in great details in separate chapters. 

Dealing with Hyderabad with the facts that he was eyeing on a princely state in Chattisgadh for the iron ore mines, the havoc caused by Kasim Razavi and the Razakars, attempts by Nizam to establish contacts with Turkey, Pakistan, United Nations was very difficult. Author describes in detail how British military officers were reluctant for 'Police Action' on Hyderabad. The planning for such action were under consideration from March, Maj. Gen. Choudhari, asked for more time not to prepare but to let the Monsoon end. Things happened at political level rapidly and in the end the Police action happened. To everyone's surprise Nizam's forces surrendered to quickly. 

565 Princely states, many of them were of the size few square miles. They were integrated into union of India. According to the instrument of accession the princely states initially surrendered their rights regarding defense, communications and foreign policy but there was another tremendous task to fully integrate the states. It took some months to persuade them for full integration with the provisions of privy purses. 

This biography of unsung architect of Modern India is mainly has its sources in books written by Menon. Those are Integration of Indian States, Transfer of Power and Tapped interactions of V.P. Menon with Harry Hodson, Menon's previous boss. 

There are various incidences which were not known have come out in this biography. Especially the thing Neharu had submitted the list of Ministers to be included in Interim Cabinet without including Sardar Patel in it. The influence of V.K.Krishna Menon on Neharu. The two visible camps, on one side Neharu and Krishna Menon on the other Sardar and V.P. Menon. 

While concluding I must reiterate that we know or we praise Menon for his role in integrating India which in his own wit and right he has earned but we must read and learn his contribution as a Clark, Superintendent, Joint Secretary, Reforms Commissioner, Constitutional Adviser to Viceroy as well. And certainly the book 'V.P.Menon: The Unsung Architect of Modern India' deals with this part of his life and contribution very well. The unsung saga of the Unsung Architect of Modern India is a must read. 


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