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Political Games: Maharashtra chapter

Political Games

Maharashtra Chapter

Politics is an art. Ideally it has to be a tool to make people's lives better through governing policies. In practice it's a game. A brutal game where power does not remain a tool, it becomes the goal. A brutal game where as per Frank Underwood 'Generosity is its own form of power.' Tussle for top position, tussle for becoming an influential figure and tussle to remain consistent and relevant is inevitable in this game. One who masters in tactics and timings play a long inning. There are many such figures in India who not just remained relevant in constantly changing political scenarios but also turned out to be pioneers of precedents. India being 'Union of states' has many layers of politics. Indian voters have always been mature enough to vote keeping in mind what institution they are voting for. One such election recently happened where politics turned out to be brutal game. A game where one cannot decide or come to at a conclusion who has been playing with whom? Did voters played with fates of political parties and candidates, Did political stalwarts played not just against party, ideological opponents but against partners also. Did intra party politics prevail? There are many possibilities. One may analyse it according own ideological tilt, choice. One thing is crystal clear that coming to appropriate conclusion is very difficult. 

May 2019. BJP and NDA won Loksabha elections with thumping majority. Based on those numbers psephologists came to the conclusion that opposition parties in BJP ruled states of Maharashtra and Hariyana stand no chance and BJP will win these two states with thumping majority. Were they wrong in concluding? They were not wrong on paper. The thing is politics, political dynamics do not proceed on paper. Let's go to recently concluded Maharashtra assembly elections. There were and there are many factors in favor of BJP. BJP formed a government in 2014, taking a party with them  that played a double role of being in Government and opposition at the same time. Chose, appointed a CM from a caste which is not liked by many other caste factions. In this scenario Devendra Fadnavis led a government and governance to new level, setting new precedents. Fadnavis, only second CM after Vasantrao Naik to complete his term. Faced various hurdles from Koregaon Bhima, unprecedented Farmer's strike, Maratha Mook and Kranti Morcha, Tribal long March to direct-indirect comments on his caste. He kept intra party possible opponents in check, handled ally like Shivsena. Despite of Mahajanadesh yatra, strong organisational structure of BJP final results of assembly elections were not as per expectations. But Assembly election results came out on 24th October with clear mandate to 'Mahayuti.' A brutal game of politics and possibilities started. 

When the results came out Sena became adamant for division of CM post for 2.5 years. Rajyasabha MP and editor of Sena mouthpiece Saamana Sanjay Raut kept on conducting press conferences. Initially it looked like a pressure tactic to get significant portfolios in government. Sena kept on demanding CM post quoting 50:50 agreement of alliance. Here BJP came up with strategy of keeping quite, and wait and watch. When necessary BJP leaders clarified their stand on 50:50 share. In the end when tenure of last assembly came to an end Fadnavis rendered his resignation. Conducted a press conference where he indirectly called Sena's bluff. Governor asked BJP to submit ability to form government and prove majority. despite of being single largest party BJP submitted that they are not in position to form government. The ball went into Sena's court. They batted for forming government with NCP and INC's support. NCP supremo kept on saying that people have given them mandate to sit in opposition until 11th November. Sena went to Rajbhavan to stake claim depending upon letter of support from INC. INC did not give it until last minute. In the end Sena lost a powerful ally and credibility for the long term. During all this political drama which media hyped too much BJP was just playing a game of patience. Considering the speed in gathering the post poll alliances in Manipur, Goa, Karnataka, Haryana and forming government why BJP is so calm and just watching the situation? 

Multiple possibilities could be there. BJP does have a strong organisational structure in Maharashtra. Fadnavis focused on winning local body elections, establishing party structure from Panchayat to Loksabha constituency level. BJP was in position to contest the elections on its own. alliance with Sena created a ground for rebels in BJP? Off course unnecessary intake from INC,NCP in BJP triggered for more rebels. Another question, why Sharad Pawar entered the game with such force? One of the answers lies in decisions by fadnavis government. They initiated inquires in Cooperatives, Education institutes, took decisions that could wither away hold of political parties, traders affiliated to political parties. Many leaders who garner their power from Cooperative and education institutes joined BJP. NCP, INC draw their electoral and party fund base from these organisations. When BJP in general and Fadnavis in particular went on to hunt these organisations it triggered NCP and Pawar. In all this political drama Fadnavis has been behind the limelight. After his recent press conference state party president Chandrakant Patil is presenting their stand. This kind of silence creates sense of more brutal power games. Non interference of Amit Shah creates more confusion. Is someting big yet to come? Is Maharashtra heading towards President's rule and midterm elections? Was this entire game of wait and watch a strategy to come out with new narrative? Only time will tell. People of Maharashtra witnessed high end drama. vertically opposite stands by Sena, NCP causing loss of their credibility. Every other party seems to be looking for immediate stake in power and BJP looking fro long term game? But the question remains in this brutal game of politics, Who is playing agaisnt whom? Till then, Let's wait and Watch....


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