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Maharashtra and Others: A Comparative Analysis

Once upon a.... no in current times there is a nation fighting with a pandemic. The nation follows the parliamentary democracy with the system of 'Union of States' instead of 'Federation of States.' So the Union government has got powers to enact laws, policies where it has authority according to the constitution. Union government also can direct the state governments with model laws, policies to be enacted by the states, on which States have authority i.e. the State List.

However, many state governments within their authority and wisdom coming out with innovative ideas, policies, schemes to look after their people. Control as much damage as the pandemic could cause. There is Assam state government, came out with a policy to take the private healthcare establishment into confidence and get them ready to serve the people along with public healthcare apparatus.

There is Odisha state government that empowered the Village, Taluka Panchayats to get ready with institutional quarantine centers and other facilities. They took this policy decion keeping in mind the possible reverse migration of workers withng Odisha to their native villages and from other states. The very state also came up with an unprecedented policy decision to pay healthcare workers advance salary of four months. Decision to pay advance installments to beneficiaries of various State level social schemes helping Widows, Divyangas etc.

There is Uttar Pradesh state government that identified construction workers, rikshaw pullers, daily wage earners and certain workers who are hit due to closing down of economic activities and paid them direct cash transfers to their bank accounts. Came out with decision to suspend outdated labor laws. Policy to strengthen local MSMEs for employment generation. Constitution of labor commission to keep a record of labors, their skills etc.

There are many other states that are fighting with the pandemic, trying hard to keep the infections, mortality rate due to virus in control. State governments are coming up with unprecedented ideas, policies. They are implementing those, trying hard to get back to normalcy. But one thing needs to be taken into consideration that all those state government machineries are working hand in hand. Off course there must be some flaws but more or less the effort looks coordinated. And there is Maharashtra state government. Where does it stand if we compare the (non) effort with other state governments?

Initial cases were found in Mumbai and Pune in Maharashtra. Mumbai has number of public hospitals as well as private hospitals equipped with necessary facilities. All said and done, towards the end of May and 4th lock down Maharashtra stands at confirmed positive cases more than 50,000. Accounting for more than 1/3rd of the total cases all over India. According to the statement by the State Health Minister Rajesh Tope, almost 80% of the positive patients are asymptomatic.

The state government established three types of health clinics for COVID-19 patients in Mumbai. Covid Care Hospitals to treat asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients with 14,000 beds. Covid Facilities to treat moderately ill patients with 10,000 beds. Dedicated Hospitals to treat critically ill patients with 4,750 beds. Despite of all this when patients call at dedicated helpline for COVID related information, patients are asked to get enrolled in waiting list for beds. On one hand there is a waiting list for patients while on the other hand 89% of beds are unoccupied in Charity hospitals in Mumbai.

The State government has issued warnings to private hospitals, clinics to remain open, admit and treat other patients. There is no proper and trustworthy communication between the State Health department and hospitals, clinics. The state government had to issue an order containing rate card of treatment fees to be charged to COVID patients by private hospitals. There has been no attempt to make a cohesive effort to take private healthcare apparatus into confidence to further the cause of fighting the pandemic.

Mumbai, Pune, Nashik and to some extent Aurangabad are major industrial hubs in Maharashtra. They witness migration of workers, employees from all over the nation as well as from drought hit, under developed regions of Maharashtra. During the first lock down the state government did not strengthen the village, panchayat level administration to get ready before reverse migration.

There are exceptions where villages built quarantine centers or used local school buildings for quarantine centers. The thing is those village panchayats done this with their own wisdom. For example Beed district which sees seasonal migration of sugarcane workers to western Maharashtra sugar belt. The Beed district got prepared before the workers returned with special permission of state government. Now the lock down rules have been relaxed to some extent. People stranded in cities are going back to their villages in Marathwada, Vidarbh regions. Those regions and especially the rural areas are seeing the spike in positive cases.

The Maharashtra state government announced Rs. 2000 as cash assistance to building construction workers registered with Maharashtra Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. There are media news pieces covering the announcement. But there is no official notification notified on the State Government website. There is a provision for cash assistance to building construction workers in Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package announced by Union Finance Minister. While announcing the stimulus under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan Finance Minister released the data of beneficiaries and amount disbursed. However, there is no media report as to implementation of package by Maharashtra government. There is no notification stating that the scheme announced by state government has been clubbed together with Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package.

The comparative analysis with other states can go on. But one thing is very sure that there is no coordination among cabinet ministers. There is coordination among bureaucracy and the most important thing is the Chief Minister does not have control over bureaucracy and government.

At the peak of the pandemic spread the BrihanMumbai Municipal Commissioner has been transferred. The top bureaucracy and many District Magistrates are clueless, directionless. An active Health Minister is not happy with Principal Secretary of Heath department. 7 senior IAS officers in state have not been posted. Senior IPS officer Sadanand Date returned from his central deputation is without posting for more than 2 months.  Healthcare workers and police personnel have not been paid their regular salaries properly. Advance salaries and benefits are far too distant things.

The State Transport Minister announced availability of state transport buses for stranded commuters. Within hours the decision was taken back and tickets were charged to those commuters. This inconsistency triggered tensions at Mumbai's Parel ST depot.

The Union Civil Aviation Ministry announced resuming the domestic flights. Maharashtra Chief Minister in his address stated the govt. won't allow airports to reopen and resume flights. Within few hours a State Cabinet Minister announces daily 25 flights will be allowed. The inconsistency in decision making has created panic in the state. Due to such incompetency, inconsistency the opposition party and people are criticizing the government.

However, for the initial two months the party in opposition BJP tried every bit to cooperate with the government. Leader of Opposition Devendra Fadanavis came up with the constructive and practical solutions like making a internet based dashboard with information of Covid clinics, facilities, available beds to avoid the mismanagement. But the government did not bother to take opposition into confidence, in the end BJP came out with a movement against government. A one day protest movement "Apale Angan, Hech Ranagan" protesting against government while being at home and following the norms of physical distancing.

Many of the states have come up with unprecedented, innovative ideas. States such as Goa, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh are moving towards normalcy with pace. Many state governments have constituted task forces to approach corporations that seek to take their manufacturing units out of China and persuade them to invest in their states. On the background of all this Maharashtra state, being the most developed state in India that contributes more than 15% to the national GDP is grappling with inconsistency in decision making, non coordination. With passing days the future and way towards normalcy is becoming more and more grey. Keep following the norms and necessary precautions is the only that is in hands of the people. 


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