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Krishna Yogeshwara: The Dice Of Kutil Dharma

          'There is a fundamental difference between Shri Ram and Shri Krishna, that is, Shri Ram did all the godly parakramas but always considered himself a human being on the other hand Shri Krishna did all parakramas which are all humane or possible for a human being but always considered himself as Parameshwara..' eminent author and lecturer Pro. Ram Shevalkar described this fundamental difference in his magnificent lecture on Krishna, where he has tried to analyse Krishna with perspective of Krishna being a human being. 

Shri Krishna, holds a holy, divine place in hearts of every Indian. There are multiple facets of Krishna, Radha Krishna, Gopi Krishna, Gopala Krishna are more famous among the people. There is other side of Krishna which is more interesting, that is a diplomat Krishna, a Warrior Krishna, an able administrator Krishna and Yogeshwara Krishna. 

Author Sanjay Dixit has tried to analyse Shri Krishna with a humane perspective and put his life and times in three books i.e. The Krishna Trilogy. 

The first book 'Krishna Gopeshwara: The Truth of Vrushnis' deals with the early life of Shri Krishna. The second book 'Krishna Yogeshwara: The Dice of Kutil Dharma' deals with one of the important and thrilling part Krishna's life. 

           The author has divided the story in eight parts. Part 1 consists of the Krishna's marriage with Rukmini. The story starts with abduction of Rukmini and then goes on with Uddhava narrating the stories of bravery of Krishna to Rukmini. 

Part 2 consists of the introduction to the concept of Kutil Dharma. Introduction of Kutil Dharmis, their plan to overthrow the Sanatan Dharma and establish the reign of Kutil Dharma. 

Part 3 consists of resuming with the story Krishna's graduation from Sandipani Ashrama. The unusual Guru Dakshina asked to be offered by Krishna. Fulfillment of the Guru Dakshina by Krishna. The story of multiple battles with Jarasandha. Going to the Ashrama of Rishi Parshurama and beating Jarasandha's forces by brilliant military tactics. 

Part 4 consists of the story of Pandavas, the poisoning of Bhima, Varnavata. Pandava's successful escape their exile in forests, meeting Hidimba and marriage of Bhima.  

Part 5 consists of stories of marriage of Revati with Balrama. Killing of Kalyavan at the hands of Muchkunda. 

Part 6 consists of building Dwaraka, Syamantaka Mani and marriage with Satyabhama. The Pandavas enter again, after the Varnavata incident, at the Panchala kingdom. The Draupadi Swayamvar. Building Indraprastha, idea of Rajasuya Yajna and killing Jarasandha. 

Part 7 consists of killing Narkasura, releasing 16,000 princesses from Narakasura's captivity. The Kapat Dyuta, Pandavas losing the kingdom and themselves along with Draupadi. The exile and Incognito. 

Part 8 consists of Krishna getting ready for the great war. The diplomat in the courts of Kauravas, The armies of Kaurava and Pandava standing eye-to-eye at Kurukshektra. 

              The story line is quite familiar. But it is the presentation that makes it different. 

While telling the story of Krishna the author has dealt with various concepts which are core to the Sanatana Dharma, as well as the philosophy that holds the minds of the Indians till today. 

It is necessary to discuss and put the core of Sanatana Dharmic texts, concepts in such books for the generations which are unfortunately comfortable in reading in English than the mother tongues. 

There is a classic episode written by the author, where Uddhava goes to Mathura, Vrundavan. where he meets the Gopa and Gopis. Uddhava being the follower and expert in Yoga Darshan tries to convince the Gopa-Gopis about it. 

He tries to elaborate them that they should focus more on the divine that is inside than the physical form of Krishna, as they used to worship. 

There, Radha depicted as a learned Yogini, by her actions elaborates the concept of Shraddha. Shraddha that was based on Pratyaksha Pramana- a personal experience of the kind. 

               The author has introduced the concept of 'Kutil Dharma' as the author himslef has explained as a "metaphor for totalitarian cult that combines political and religious power in one person. It is the opposing narrative to the plural, inclusive, responsibility based Sanatana Dharma of the seeker. 

Tyrants through the millennia have demanded loyalty towards their own people. So Kutil Dharma simply represents this primal urge among tyrants to build support system of a narrative." Based on this concept author has elaborated such tyrants in Kamsa, Hiranykashyapu, Jarasandha etc. 

While elaborating the Kutil Dharma, author has dealt with concepts of Time in Sanatana fold and others. 

The Time concept in Sanatana fold is cyclical. Where the life does end with mere death, the cycle of life and death goes on through Punarjanma and Atman. On the other hand in Kutil Dharma, the Time concept is linear. 

              The concept of Avatara is very well established in Indic fold through the Puranas. While dealing with the Krishna as a human being author has presented Krishna as 'Avatara' being the gifted person with many qualities. 

The author describes " The clash of narratives has been constant theme in the Indian tradition. beginning with 'Rigveda' and 'Puranas' you have harmonising narrative clashing with a divisive narrative. 

Starting with 'Vamanawtara', whenever there is a tendency for a man to declare himself at par with god and combine religious and political power, an 'Avatara' comes and restores the Sanatana Dharma. 

Delusions of men like Hiranyakashpau, Ravana, Bali and Kamsa were destroyed by these great human beings called Avataras." Krishna is often called as, described by various Rishis, Sages as Avatara in this context. Krishna who is master in war tactics, master of ShatDarshana is described as an Avatara.

            The author has dealt with various concepts, Shatdarshana (Nyay, Yoga, Samkhya, Vaisheshika, Mimansa and Vedanta), Concept of Purush and Prakriti as part of conversations among Rihsi Sandipani and doyens of Shatdarshan philosphies.

The political, diplomatic mastery of Krishna ranging from Dvaraka to Pragjyotish to Kundinpura to Gomantaka. One has to have clear picture of map of Bharatvarsha during the times of Mahabharata to understand the Geo-Political strategical movements of Krishna. 

The story unfolds on three parallel lines and meet at one point just before the climax. The situation leads to the Great war at the Kurukshetra, Sanjaya describes the war to Dhritarahstra. 

Arjuna is developed cold feet, just before beginning the war. Dhritrashtra is developing the joy and Sanajaya says, there is Krishna as the charioteer at the scene. 

The author has ended the story at such a point where the excitement for the next part of the trilogy goes on rising... A must read, Krishna Yogeshwara: The Dice of Kutil Dharma!


  1. चि शौनक शुभ आशिर्वाद
    वाचलं सगळं
    खुप छान लिहिलंय, तु , लेखकाने ही , अर्थात


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